Episode Fifteen: Polar Crime Time (Season Finale!)

Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station in Antarctica

For our 15th episode we explore crimes in our favourite cold places: the poles! We answer the questions you never thought to ask, like: how does law operate outside national borders, and what happens if you kill someone? What’s it like living in the northernmost town in the world? Who has jurisdiction on an iceberg? And how do you deal with arson in Antarctica?

This episode will wrap season 1 for us, so thank you to all of our amazing listeners for joining us on the first leg of our podcasting adventure! Listen to the end of this episode to hear about our final tally of Mayday Moments and Mayday Rankings, a reflection on our topics this season, and a little teaser of what we’ll be covering when we return in season 2.

Check out our website and find us @themaydaypod on Instagram and Twitter to say hello, give feedback, or suggest some future topics. Our amazing composer and producer Marlon Grunden can be found at his website marlongrunden.com

Sources & Further Reading

Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Spitsbergen, Svalbard Archipelago



Episode Fourteen: Andrée’s Big Balloon Crash of 1897